We have been super busy working this summer. I thought my gig with Wigram was just going to be part time, but I've been doing 8.30-5, five days a week, and Amy picked up two jobs suddenly in February. Shes working at a new restaurant in the city called Mexico and does 4 nights a week, and also got asked to work as a full time reliever at her favourite pre-school working full time. We try to play frisbee golf every day that we can, and we've been enjoying the sunlight available over summer in the Garden City.
Being settled is working out quite fun for now. I have set up the mean wee garden at the flat and its really flourishing with cherry tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers and peppers being prolific. I made a cool block herb garden too, and we love that fresh basil, which I have never successfully grown before. Generally, the garden is a chilled place to hang with our friends and flatmates, to have a beer and a feed and enjoy the long days of sun on our necks.

We have been going a little mad over running lately. I claim to not really like running, but I have enjoyed the competitiveness of running for PB times at ParkRun on Saturday mornings at Hagley Park and have now set a new PB and all time family record of 19mins 20seconds taking 3rd place on the day. Funnily enough, I didn't mind that run so much. I was just boggled as to why there were so few people in front of me! I also don't like to wear a watch while running, so I just get the best time I feel I can do, so I liked the surprise of getting such a time. Amy has been doing good times too, but she isn't fast enough to beat the dude running in weight/impact vest and his 'Live Action Role Playing' armor. Maybe one day. But hes only getting better too. We hit up a nice run in the port hills one night too, just heading up after work, taking the summit track along the top. Truly magic views up there, I could run all day in such an environment.
Shapeshifter closing out Electric Avenues |
We jumped out to the music festival 'Electric Avenues' with some mates in February for a chilled as day of music and a much needed boogie. With a stacked line up of local and international acts, we were stoked with everyone we saw! It was eight hours of ducking between stages to see Dub FX, Fat Freddy's Drop, Pacific Heights with MC Tali, The Corespondents, Ladi6 and finishing with an seriously legendary performance by Shapeshifter.
Our little Weisse. |
We have started fostering kittens and cats for Christchurch Cat Rescue. We have only had one kitten and one cat, but basically we just get a cat for a while and then someone adopts it once its old enough to be de-sexed. Its nice to have a cat without any real commitment, and they're pretty damn cute too. Was really sad to see our first kitten go, but we had him for two weeks so that was pretty fun. He just climbed around, went crazy for hair ties and string, and loved playing in boxes. We got to name him too-and started a beer theme!
After the kitten Weisse, we got a bit of a sad case, Barney. He has cat AIDs and and has to have medicine and green water and often scoffs his food too fast and then vomits straight after. We have managed to deal with him well and to be honest he is just a normal cat, but that does mean he's basically just a wee prick! He does like cuddles sometimes and is pretty talkative with some characteristic meows. We had him for almost two months until he ran away! After almost 48 hours of freaking out, and Amy knocking on neighbors' doors, he came back! But then he went to another foster home.
And yes, I easily fit my gear into and on the Barina |
I have been going hard on the windsurfing front, just hanging out everyday for wind, strong wind! I have got a good deal with work that if its windy I can go windsurfing! But it just needs to be windy more. I have stepped it up and go out at the harbour, so I don't have to worry about the tides there, but it still makes me a bit nervous being so far out in the big swell. I have just been blown away with this sport. I have been putting my all into it and I really get flying. And I actually mean flying! I now can ride my small wave board and that thing is so light and nimble and with a small skip on a wave I can really get some good air. I had a bit of a rough run recently, breaking gear on several consecutive outings. No dramas I just picked up some more gear and modified an ancient alloy mast and now we're back in action. The other day when I went after work and then again the following morning on a howling Nor'easter, I was the happiest man, but sore the next few days for sure.
Thomas at the harbour |
Still a favorite past time of ours involves having some good food and good beer. An new treat I have been whipping up occasionally is some mini donuts, minus the hole in the middle. I see cooking as the ultimate! Its not a chore to me. You put in a little work and, usually going to plan, get a delicious and nutritious meal. Amy's gotten into cooking/baking too, and lately shes been whipping up muffins, cookies, hummus and some muesli bars from scratch! Its awesome to have good food on hand always!
February started off the Cricket World Cup. We went to the opening ceremony here in Christchurch and got another epic performance from Shapeshifter! We watched as many games on TV as we could and even got to see a game live at Hagley Oval Christchurch which was an awesome day. Although the photo looks gloomy, it was actually a hot and sunny Saturday. We laid in the grass, brought some picnic food, and watched The West Indies convincingly outplay Pakistan.
During the finals, the cricket really started to heat up, the Black Caps had an absolute cliffhanger with South Africa beating them on the last ball with a 6 but were unsuccessful in their attempt in challenging Australia in the final. The rest of the summer involved attending and watching lots of Crusaders games and enjoying an a lower socioeconomic evening at the Woodford Glen destruction derby. Being happy, enjoying all that's on offer and
enjoying the company of those around you, that's the good life. And
we've got that going on here.
Thomas and Simon at the Cricket |